Your community however big or small, local or international is essential part of who you are. We know how important a strong community having is which is why we’re encouraging you to reach out to your community, find out how you can help. Whether you’re helping your local community by helping out at the food banks, litter picking your local park, sending out positive messages in cards or working with a national community and helping in a further field.

Walsall Explorers and Network community impact this winter is to collect unwanted sleeping bags to give to the Glebe Centre in Walsall. Doing this they aim to help the homeless stay a little bit warmer over this winter. Want to get involved? Drop offs are at Blakenall United Reformed Church, WS3 1HT, on a Friday evening. Any questions, contact our 14-25 Team Leader Nick on:

Don’t forget to share your community impact projects with us on our Social Media!

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